About Me
Hello, my name is Elliz! I'm the recipe developer and video creator behind The Kampung Vegan.
When I started eating a plant based diet in 2018, I couldn't find many kampung (village) Malaysian plant based recipes so I had to develop my own by experimenting with different ingredients. I started this journey to share my knowledge with you so you can continue having Malaysian comfort food without compromising on flavour!
My Tok Mah (grandmother) is the biggest influence on my taste of food and cooking style. I have so many childhood memories of Tok Mah's Perlis influenced cooking. From roti nyok breakfasts, cekodok pisang for tea and kari for dinner. These recipes have all been passed down to my mum and me.
Because I live in a kampung in Langkawi, Kedah, I don't have access to specialty ingredients like in the city. So you will find that most of my recipes are made from scratch with ingredients that can be found easily anywhere! All of my recipes are 100% plant based and have gotten the seal of approval from my mum, and my (very picky) dad who really only enjoys eating northern kampung food.
I hope you enjoy your time here and feel inspired to try your hand at some vegan kampung food. Happy cooking!
Elliz, the Kampung Vegan